Describe a famous city in China.
You should say:
  where the city is
  why it is important
  whether you visited it before
and explain whether you think it will be better in the future.

Hints:  有2两个句子

下期预告:为了帮助烤鸭用更丰富地道的语言描述城市、建筑和游览经历,小嶷专门给出了bonus sentences,相当漂亮!
striking amazing talented gifted you name it metropolis accommodate enormous vast the best hands down ferry Victorian Harbour a mecca for name-brand stuff The economy is in a slump. complain dense economic powerhouse colonial past tourist destination fame East meets West. Chinese herbs Chinese medicine Irish-style pubs blockbusters entertainment industry barbecue pork buns skyline breathtaking gorgeous tourist attractions dynamic vibrant itinerary destination hospitable check out delicacies uneventful