the Consumer Electronics Show
Las Vegas
Microsoft, Sony and Warner Brothers
Consumer Electronics Show
Harry Potter
As more and more content goes digital, people expect TV shows and movies to stream to their TVs, computers, tablets and smart phones. We want to pay for our entertainment once and then watch it anywhere, on any device. The technology exists for such multi-device access. But digital rights across platforms is a thorny issue. At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last January, a group of Hollywood studios and companies introduced Ultraviolet, a service to let you buy content for any device and manage the rights in the cloud. Lots of big players are on board, including Microsoft, Sony and Warner Brothers. Unfortunately, Apple isn't one of them. They're going with Keystone, which is Disney's version of a cloud-based digital rights locker. It's all way more complex than the old VHS versus Betamax war. And it's sure to be a big issue at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show in about a month. In the meantime, as the holidays approach, I have to figure out how to gift-wrap a streaming version of the latest Harry Potter movie.
随着越来越多的内容数字化,人们希望电视节目和电影“流”向他们的电视机、电脑、平板和智能手机。作为消费者的我们希望为这些娱乐内容付一次钱,然后可以在任何地方、任何设备上享用。 使多个设备都能享用的技术是存在的。但是,这其中所涉及到的跨平台电子版权问题比较棘手。去年一月在拉斯维加斯举办的国际消费电子展上,一些好莱坞的电影公司、工作室向人们展示了一种名为Ultraviolet的云服务(紫外线,该服务的名称),它能让消费者购买适用于任何设备上的内容后,在“云”中管理其版权。许多业界大腕都名列其中,包括微软、索尼和华纳兄弟。 不幸的是,苹果木有参加。苹果使用的是Keystone,一种迪斯尼版的云间数字版权锁。这两种云间电子版权管理系统之争要比以前VHS对Betamax两种视频格式之战更复杂。(Videotape_format_war)这也注定将成为2012国际消费电子展的一大焦点,明年的展出还有一个月就要举行了。 与此同时,随着节日的临近,我也得想想怎么把最新的电子版哈利波特电影用礼盒包装。