全文听写:本篇注意,一些声音变化,背景什么的不用写。从Sorry开始, 含 Sorry。


[muffled sound of voice saying “Many people take their hearing for granted.”]

Sorry. Many people take their hearing for granted. But a new report shows that as many as one in five Americans suffers from hearing loss severe enough to affect their daily life. The findings are in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Aging is the most common risk factor. But the 48 million people in the U.S. who have some hearing loss in at least one ear included kids as young as 12. So why are so many people affected? Loud music and earbuds might not be to blame just yet, according to the study. In fact, the new numbers suggest that the risk for hearing loss might actually be going down over time, as people get smarter about protecting their hearing and move away from louder industrial jobs. The most common sources of noise-induced hearing loss include explosions, power tools, music and common machinery. The best way to fend off future hearing loss is to protect your ears with earplugs or noise-reducing earmuffs. So, can you hear me now?
不好意思。很多人对他们的听力不以为然。但一项新的研究表明,每五个美国人就有一个深受听觉受损的苦,严重到影响到了他们的日常生活。这一发现出现在《内科学文献》中。 衰老是最普遍的影响因素。但在美国的至少有一只耳朵听力损伤的4800万人中有小到12岁的孩子。那又是为什么有这么多人受影响呢? 根据这项研究,吵杂的音乐和耳机可能不是罪魁祸首。事实上,新的数据显示听力损伤的风险可能随着时间的推移随之下降,因为人们能够更明智的保护他们的听力,远离吵闹的工业区的工作。 最常见的声音致聋的噪音包括爆炸、电动工具、音乐和一般的机器。防止未来听力损伤的最好的方法是用耳塞或是减少噪音的护耳保护耳朵。那么,你听见了吗?