University of Colorado
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
They say that who you hang out with says a lot about who you are. Well, the microbes that hang out on your fingers can point to exactly who you are. Because scientists at the University of Colorado in Boulder have been able to identify individuals based on the bacteria they leave behind on their computers. The findings appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our skin is a breeding ground for bacteria of all shapes and sizes. And each of us harbors a microbial mix that's a bit different from our neighbors'. So every time we grab a glass of juice or type out an email, we leave our fingerprints, and a shmear of our own resident microbes. But just how telltale is this trail of microbiota? The scientists swabbed bacteria from nine computer mice and then conducted a sort of microbial lineup. They compared the bacterial signature from the mice to a database of more than 250 microbial communities, including that of the objects' owners'. For each mouse, the microbial mix matched its owner's hand more closely than any other sample. So watch what you touch. There could be a crime scene investigator just waiting to collect your microbial community.
人们说,你跟什么样的人外出,就能判断出你是什么样的人。与此相同,根据你手指上携带的细菌就能判断出你是谁。来自科罗拉多州大学波尔得分校的科学家们已经研究出根据人们留在电脑上的细菌来识别他们的身份。这个发现发表在了全民科学院得学报上。 我们的皮肤是各种大小、各种形状的细菌的孵化器。我们每个人都拥有一个细菌混合体以区别于我们的邻居。所以,我们每当抓住一瓶果汁或者打一封邮件的时候都会留下我们的手印以及属于我们身体一部分的细菌。 但是这些细菌从的特征是如何说明问题的呢?科学家们从9个鼠标上擦拭下一些细菌来,然后排成列。他们将这些来自鼠标的细菌与一个包括鼠标拥有者身上的细菌在内的超过250个细菌群落的数据库进行了比较。相对于其它样品来说,每一个鼠标的细菌混合物都与各自拥有者手上的细菌更匹配。所以,要注意你接触过的东西。可能某个犯罪现场调查者正等着收集你的细菌群落哦。 ——译文来自: 黄立志Norman