The red lionfish ___1___ maroon and white stripes to complement its venomous spines. A native of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the red lionfish and one of its cousins have rapidly ___2___ from Cape Hatteras to the coast of Mexico.

The lionfish ___3___ small fish, mollusks and invertebrates, enough to ___4___ to as much as 480 grams and decimate local populations on the coral reefs they inhabit. Their arrival has caused quote "extreme disruption to native fish communities," according to the International Coral Reef Initiative, which is studying what to do about the lionfish invasion.

The lionfish are largely taking over thanks to overfishing by us humans, which has seriously ___5___ native grouper and snapper that would otherwise play the same role. But humans can help too, if we just learn to overfish the lionfish.

In fact, the answer to this invasive species problem may lie on the dinner table. After all, lionfish fillets are not poisonous and rather delicious, according to both the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and fisherfolk who have tasted it. Per NOAA quote "we can't possibly eat too many of them."
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红狮子鱼褐白相间的条纹真是为它的毒刺锦上添花。红狮子鱼产自印度洋、太平洋,但它们和其某种远亲已迅速建立起对哈特拉斯角至墨西哥湾海域的统治。 狮子鱼以小鱼、软体动物、无脊椎动物为食,这些食物足以让狮子鱼增重480克,也足以让狮子鱼对当地珊瑚礁上的生物造成严重威胁。据研究狮子鱼入侵对策的国际珊瑚礁学会狮子鱼的到来引起了“对当地鱼类种群的严重破坏”。 狮子鱼能够谋权篡位和我们人类的滥捕滥杀密不可分。人类的过度捕捞使得当地原本处于统治地位的石斑鱼和鲷鱼数量大大减少。当然,解铃还须系铃人,只要我们多捕点狮子鱼就能帮上忙了。 但归根结底,这入侵物种狮子鱼的问题还是在餐桌上。据美国国家海洋和大气管理局以及部分渔民透露,狮子鱼鱼片并没有毒,而且味道相当鲜美。每位美国国家海洋和大气管理局的成员都觉得“百吃不厌”!