Some things are best done after dark. Setting off fireworks. Telling scary stories. And charging your plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. Because a new study shows that ___1___ your car battery at night generates less ozone. The work appears in the journal Environmental Research Letters. [Tammy Thompson et al., "Air quality impacts of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in Texas: evaluating three battery charging scenarios"]

Plug-in electric hybrids give off ___2___ than gas guzzlers. And when they’re running on battery power, they generate no fumes at all. But there’s a catch. The power plants that make the electricity you use to recharge the battery produce plumes of pollution. But how much ozone gets produced depends on ___3___.

Electric power plants that burn fossil fuels release hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. And when sunlight hits those compounds, ozone forms. At night, however, well, it’s dark. And the compounds ___4___ in large part before the sun comes up.

Scientists modeled how much ozone would be generated if the cars were charged at three different times: overnight, just before they’re driven or just after. And they found that drawing electricity from the grid ___5___ is best. So to drive green, plug in, lay down and get some ozone-free Zs.
topping off less exhaust when you reach for that plug disperse after-hours
有些事情在暗夜才有效果,比如说放焰火、讲鬼故事。还有,为你的插电式混合动力电动汽车充电。一项新的研究表明夜间为汽车充电产生的臭氧较少。该研究成果刊登在《环境研究快报》上。 插电式混合动力电动车排放的废气要比油耗大的车少,而且在使用电池能时不会产生任何浓烟。不足之处在于,为你的充电电池提供电能的发电厂产生的污染相当严重。不过,产生多少臭氧则取决于你在何时充电。 通过燃烧化石燃料提供电能的发电站会释放大量碳氢化合物以及氮氧化物,经阳光照射,就形成了臭氧。不过在夜间,因为没有阳光,大部分的化合物在太阳出来之前就消散了。 科学家们分别在夜间、用车前以及用车后这三个时间段为汽车充电,以估算在这三个时间段内产生的臭氧量。他们发现在夜间充电效果最好。为了绿色出行,插上电源,然后躺下来睡个好觉吧~无臭氧的哦~~