A rolling stone gathers no____1____. But a salamander embryo can attract algae. Inside its tissues and cells. This intimate________—the first ever seen between algae and a vertebrate—is revealed in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Spotted salamanders lay their eggs in pools in spring. And the egg ________ actually look green, thanks to the algae that surrounds the resident embryos. That relationship benefits both parties. Algae feed on the nitrogen-rich waste products generated by the embryos. And the embryos bask in the oxygen given off by the algae. Take away their algae, and spotted salamander babies ____4____smaller and less mature.

So that’s the eggs. But this study is the first to show that the algae actually inhabit the embryo itself. Using imaging techniques and DNA testing, scientists found algae inside the cells of young salamander embryos—and even in the reproductive tracts of some adult females. Which suggests that some algae may be handed down directly from parent to child. More evidence that many individuals are really____5____.
moss co-habitation capsules hatch entire little ecosystems
滚石不生苔。但蝾螈胚胎却会吸引藻类进入组织和细胞。这种亲密的共生关系首次见于藻类和脊椎动物之间,文章刊登在《美国科学院院报》上。 斑点蝾螈春天在池塘产卵,卵的表面是绿色的,因为藻类围绕着在那里安家落户的胚胎。这种关系对双方都是有益的。胚胎产生富含氮的废物是藻类的养料,而藻类产生的氧气让胚胎更加舒服。没有藻类的斑点蝾螈宝宝孵化出来后体型更小,也没那么成熟。 这就是蝾螈的卵。这项研究首次发现藻类真正生活在胚胎里面。科学家们使用成像技术和DNA检测发现,早期蝾螈胚胎细胞和某些成年雌性的生殖道里含有藻类。这表明有些藻类是通过父母传递给下一代的。更多证据显示,很多个体本身就是一个完整的小型生态系统。