Raised in New York City, Mailer entered Harvard University at the unusually young age of 16. His plan was to become an engineer. But he began writing short stories, and when he won a collegiate literary prize, Norman Mailer knew that his true calling was as a writer. In 1984, Mailer wrote his…
梅勒在纽约长大,并在年仅16岁时进入哈佛大学。他本打算成为工程师。但是,他开始写短篇小说,在他获大学文学奖时,诺曼·梅勒知道自己真正该成为一名作家。 1984年,梅勒写了其第一部悬疑小说--《硬汉不跳舞》。正如作者欣然宣布的,他再次写出了梅勒式主题男人检视自己(的男子汉气概)。 除了小说、创作性非小说、短篇故…