The most obvious effect of birth control pills is, well...birth control. But the pill may have subtler effects, too. Like influencing which guy a woman goes for, and her satisfaction with him—in bed and out. So says a study in the journal __ 1___ of the Royal Society B.

Researchers __ 2___ 2,500 mothers on their relationship satisfaction. And they found that women who met Mr. Right while on the pill were happier with their partner’s “daddy credentials”—finances, intelligence and so on. But the same women were less satisfied in the sack than non-pill-takers, __ 3___ their mates as less sexually adventurous or attractive.

So why the sizzle fizzle? Previous studies suggest women are attracted to men genetically different from themselves—which ups the __ 4___ of a healthy kid—but on birth control, the opposite seems true. So the authors say the pill might interfere with a woman's innate
sense of sexual chemistry.

But the pill has its perks. Women stayed together longer with partners they met while on the pill, and were less likely to want a __ 5__ . Either way, this study suggests the pill is more than just birth control. It could be boyfriend control, too.

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避孕药最显著的效果是……呃……避孕,但是《英国皇家学会会报B》声称,避孕药对女性还有一些微妙的影响,比如,改变女人的中意对象,影响女人在床上和在日常生活中对男人的满意度。 研究者调查了2500位母亲对于性关系的满足感,结果发现,服用避孕药的女性对其伴侣的“父亲资质”(包括经济状况、智力等等)更加满意,可是与没服药的女性相比,她们认为,另一半在床上既不奔放也不迷人,因而对性生活比较失望。 为什么这种热情会降温呢?之前的研究表明,从基因方面来说,女人对与己有很大差别的男人有好感,这可以让女人生出更健康的宝宝,但是从节育方面来说,反之亦然。所以研究者表示,避孕药会干扰女人择偶的先天感知力。 然而,避孕药还是有好处的。使用避孕药后,女人想与伴侣腻在一起的时间更长,不愿分离。总之,这个研究告诉我们,避孕药不仅具有避孕功效,还可以维系一段恋爱关系。