
T. rex



Although useful for scientists, these fossil remains are far too limited to bring a baby T. rex to life for an audience. And that's why the entire baby skeleton will be a model, its bones made not from fossils, but from foam and resin. This is where the artists come in. They will produce creatures from their imaginations but they have to be guided by the science which provides them with a range of possibilities. Ultimately the animal that they draw or sculpt will be a blend of science and art. The baby T. rex will be sculpted by Doil, one of Louis's artists.
When you're doing something that's brand new that there is no precedent for, it can be a little nerve-racking and it can be a lot fun. For my baby T. rex, there is no reference for that. So there's a lot of interpretation there.
With his miniature model of an adult T. rex for reference, along with the growing patterns of close relatives of tyrannosaurs, it's possible to work out the likely proportions of the baby. The starting point for the sculpture is a simple illustration.
