地道美语向前冲: 菲尔普斯奥运金牌可能被取消?
美国游泳运动员“飞鱼”菲尔普斯近期出现在世界名牌Louis Vuitton的广告大片中,但是这些大片全是在奥运结束前泄露到网络上的。国际奥委会官方规则指出:“无论场内还是场外,任何运动员不准独自宣传非奥林匹克官方赞助商的产品,奥运会主办方有权对违纪者进行处罚,甚至取消其比赛资格。”目前广告片泄露事件还在调查中。来源羊城地铁报)
Will Michael Phelps LOSE his medals
According to Rule 40, a regulation introduced by the International Olympic Committee earlier this year, no athlete was able to participate in non-Olympic marketing campaigns from July 18 to August 15, 2012
If the photographs were in fact due for release on August 16 and a rogue individual had simply leaked them, Mr. Phelps will be in the clear. But if the photos were in fact leaked intentionally by the brand, the sporting hero will face punishment.
【例句】It only takes one rogue employee to bring down the entire corporation.
【例句】The celebrity’s body guard had been leaking information to the press for years.