‘She is my heart and I am her legs’: Devoted dad runs triathlon (铁人三项) carrying his teenager daughter with cerebral palsy (脑瘫) because she loves being outdoors
据外媒报道,一位39岁叫Rick van Beek的男子,抱着他因脑瘫而无法动弹的女儿参加铁人三项的比赛,因为在只有几个月婴儿意识的女儿为数不多能表达清楚的意愿中,他深爱的女儿更喜欢呆在户外呼吸新鲜的空气,并且在观看马拉松等体育项目时脸上会露出喜悦的笑容。于是这位伟大的父亲一路带着女儿完成了常人都难以完成的铁人三项运动。
Van Beek, 39, told the Midland Daily News that he wants to complete the events with his daughter, who is unable to walk or talk, because she adores being outside.
For the swimming portion, van Beek tugs his daughter through the water in a kayak (皮艇) and then pulls her behind him in a cart as he cycles. He runs the last leg (路程) pushing her in a buggy.
'She functions like a three-month-old, and one of the very few things that we know she enjoys is being outside, being in the water, feeling the breeze in her hair and in her face,' he said.
'I think Madison has changed more peoples' lives than I even know about - without doing anything, just being out there. Not me, her,' van Beek told Fox News. 'We make a good team.