1.我肯定我们会赢 I'm sure we will win.
2.我是个乐观注意者 I'm an optimist.
3.我对成功持乐观态度 I'm very optimistic about our chances of success.
4.我闭着眼睛都能做的到 I can do it with my eyes closed.
5.一切都会尽如人意的 Everything will come up roses.
6.我很悲观 I'm rather pessimistic.
7.我对此不太乐观 I'm not too optimistic about it.
8.我们注定会失败的 We are doomed to lose the game.
9.除此之外我别无选择 I have no choice but to do so.
Hi,you look excited. What's happened?
Our school is going to hold a sing contest. And I'll sign up for it. It's a good chance to show my sing talent.
What's the surprise?
As far as I know,a Sony Walkman will be awarded to the first prize winner. I'll try my best to get it.
What if you can't?
It doesn't matter. Although I can't get the walkman I won't lose anything. And it can enrich my contest experience. I believe there is a big chance that I can win.
Wish you luck.