公共英语三级(PETS3)阅读学习笔记 Unit 19
Dialogues /monologues:
1、I seem to be suffering from all the illnesses imaginable.
这里的“suffer from”是个固定搭配,“遭受、忍受”的意思。
2、To crown it all, I had an accident the other day.
To crown it all:更糟糕的是;the other day:前几天。
3、I get short of breath.
short of breath:呼吸短促。
4、For the sake of your health, keep off alcohol. If possible, give up smoking.
谈谈 “for the sake of” 与“in order to”的区别:
for the sake of “由于……”或者是“看在……的份上”,如:for the sake of God 看在上帝的份上
in order to “为了……”,如:Many students listen to the teacher carefully in order to receive a good mark. 学生上课认真听讲是为了得到好成绩
for the sake of + 名词
in order to + 动词
虽然二者都是表示"为了"这个意思,但可以这么看,前者是为了某个东西,所以+名词;后者是为了做某事,所以+ 动词。
5、Likewise, many changes are taking place in hospitals, where the costs of medical equipment and care is skyrocketing.
6、Because of the high costs, patients now spend a limited number of days in the hospital, depending on their illness.
7、It has worried me a good deal for the last week, and so now I am going to put it on my dressing-table and watch it ache.
For all it flaws, medical care in the United States has been reformed gigantically over the past several decades. Deaths from heart disease have fallen by 40 percent since 1970. Thanks to better detection and treatment, cancer advances have helped to raise U.S. life expectancy from an average of 68 years in 1950 to 77 years today.
Not only have American lives grown longer, but their quality has improved. The proportion of people over 65 with one or more chronic disabilities—such as the inability to walk, or to get dressed, without aid—declined from greater than 25 percent in 1982 to less than 20 percent in 1999. And the development of vision-correction surgery, among many other drugs and procedures, has allowed many Americans to prolong pleasures historically with youth.
Of course, not all the recent improvements in American health and longevity can be directly attributed to our health-care system; some are as much the result of adopting healthier habits( exercise, better diet) or of dropping unhealthy ones (smoking, too much alcohol-drinking). Still, better medical care is the principal cause of improvements in American health and life span over the past 50 years.
But the problem is that since 1960 health-care spending has grown significantly faster than the economy, meaning that we’re spending an ever larger portion of our incomes on medical core. In 1960 health care constituted 5.1 percent of the U.S. economy; in 1980 it constituted 8.8 percent; today it constitutes 13.3 percent. Meanwhile, private health-insurance premiums— which rose by 14 percent last year alone— are becoming unaffordable for even Americans. The number of things we can do to pay for them. 41 millions of our citizens are now uninsured. So the key question is not whether health care should be rationed in the United States; it already is. Rather the question is how health care should be rationed. How should the potential benefits of reduced pain, improved quality of life, or extended life be weighted against the high costs of the medications or procedures involved? And who should weigh them? These are hard questions with high moral stakes. But we do hope that the health-care system will cover more people.