Between friends
Mother Bear- MB
Little Bear- L
Emily- E
Grandma- GM
MB: How are you feeling, little bear?
L: My mumps still hurt.
MB: I have some ice cream. Ice cream is good for bears with the mumps.
L: Good.
MB: Did that hurt?
L: I wish I wasn’t sick, mother bear. I want to play with my friends.
MB: I know. Why don′t you shut your eyes and nap will help to feel better. Oops, sorry.
L: Mother bear, someone is at the door.
E: Little bear, over here.
L: Hi Emily.
E: And Lucy too.
L: Hello, Lucy.
E: How do you feel?
L: I have the mumps.
E: I know, do they hurt?
L: A little.
E: I have a present for you, little bear. Something to cheer you up. It is a book I wrote.
L: Can I see it?
E: Sure. Oh, wait, I forgot, I had better stay here, or I would catch the mumps, too. Thank you, Lucy.
L: What′s the book called?
E: It is called “between friends”.
L: Will you read it to me? Oh, but you are over there, and I am over here.
E: That′s Ok, I know it all by heart. Are you ready, little bear?
L: Ready, page one.
E: I hope this book makes you feel better, by remembering the times we share together. Do you remember the first time we met?
L: I do, and I like the pictures you drew, Emily. I flew down the tree.
E: Are you all right?
L: I am all right.
E: Are we still going on the right way?
L: Let′s run.
E: That was fun.
E: Turn the page now, little bear.
L: Page two, there was a time Emily met owl, hen and cat, and duck's nieces and nephews needed to be babysat. Remember the little peep got lost? And you found him.
E: Are you Ok?
L: My mumps hurt when I laugh.
E: Ready for page 3?
L: Page 3.One day, owl had a party. We all went to play. And Lucy fell down the tree.
L: Oh Lucy, and what a good doctor little bear turned out to be.
E: That looks much better.
L: I like your present, Emily.
E: Good. I hope it makes you feel better.
MB: Little bear; Emily.
L: Look what Emily brought me. She made it herself.
MB: It is very lovely, Emily. But I think you should go home now. I don′t want you catching the mumps.
E: All right mother bear.
L: Thank you for the books, Emily.
E: Get better soon, little bear. Good bye.
GM: How are the mumps?
E: They are a little sour.
GM: And Lucy?
E: She is a little sour, too.
GM: Would some ice cream help?
E: Ice cream would be nice. Could Lucy have some too?
GM: Of course.
L: Hello, Emily over here. Sorry, you caught the mumps.
E: Oh, that′s OK.
L: I have a present for you.
E: Come inside, little bear, don′t worry, you have already had the mumps, grandma says you would not catch them again.
L: Oh I forgot.
E: It is the book I made for you.
L: Turn to the end.
E: You added a story. Is that you and me at the hop frog pond?
L: Do you like it?
E: You draw very well, little bear.
L: Mother bear had drawn the story for me. But I have told her what’s your write. You can read it.
E: Page 4. Emily is little bear’s best friend, he hopes she gets better soon.
L: Hop frog hop.
E: Look out, below. That is a nice hat.
L: Now we match.
E: The end, p.s., Let’s go to hop frog pond again.
E: It is wonderful, little bear.
E: There is still one more page left.
L: Yes, I thought we should write something together.
E: Oh, I know, how about: “this story really has no end, because the story is between friends. Does it sound good?
L: Really good.
E: Now your turn. I do the words, so you can do the picture.
L: What do you think?
E: Perfect, now the book really belongs to both of us.