


Auntie Suyuan


That we had decided to get married next July, about seven months away. She was cubing garlic and slicing cabbage into small pieces and chatting at the same time about Auntie Suyuan, "She can only cook looking at directions. My instructions are in my fingers. I know what secret ingredients to put in just by using my nose!" And she was slicing so quickly, seemingly not paying attention to her sharp chopping knife, that I was afraid the tips of her fingers would become one of the ingredients of the purple vegetable and pork dish. I was hoping she would say something first concerning Rich. I had seen her expression when she opened the door, her forced smile as she surveyed him from head to toe, checking her judgment of him against that already given to her by Auntie Suyuan.
我们已决定在7月结婚,大约还有7个月的时间。她正在把大蒜切成小方块,把卷心菜切成小片,同时闲聊着有关素媛姨妈的事:“她只会看着烹饪指南烧菜,而我对烹饪了如指掌。我只要用鼻子闻闻就知道该放什么佐料了!”她切得很快,好像一点也不注意她手中那把锋利的切菜刀,我真害怕她的手指尖也会成为紫色蔬菜烧猪肉的佐料。 我希望她会先提起里奇。我注意到了她开门时的面部表情,她当时勉强地笑了笑,从头到脚地打量着里奇,以验证素媛阿姨对里奇的评价。