



Gail and I imagined a quiet wedding. During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other. But through it all we had honestly confronted the weaknesses and strengths of each other's characters. Our racial and cultural differences enhanced our relationship and taught us a great deal about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other. Gail sometimes wondered why I and other blacks were so involved with the racial issue, and I was surprised that she seemed to forget the subtler forms of racial hatred in American society. Gail and I had no illusions about what the future held for us as a married, mixed couple in America.
我和盖尔计划举行一个不事张扬的婚礼。在两年的相处中,我们的关系经历了起伏,这是一对情侣在学着相互了解、理解和尊重时常常出现的。但在这整整两年间,我们坦诚地面对彼此性格中的弱点和优点。 我们之间的种族及文化差异不但增强了我们的关系,还教会了我们要彼此宽容、谅解和开诚布公。盖尔有时不明白为何我和其他黑人如此关注种族问题,而我感到吃惊的是,她好像忘记了美国社会中种族仇恨种种微妙的表现形式。 对于成为居住在美国、异族通婚的夫妻,我和盖尔对未来没有不切实际的幻想。