


Jane Morrison

For teachers, the problem is figuring out whether a student's authorship is authentic. But, as teaching assistant Jane Morrison explained, the task should not be too difficult for the perceptive teacher. "Students who have gotten it off the Internet don't look at me, twitch a little bit and look at their feet. And students who wrote every bit of it can talk about the paper very intelligently and look me in the eye," Morrison said. Faking term papers is nothing new, and stolen intellectual property has been marketed for years. But the appearance of the Internet raises the issue.
对于教师来说,他们面对的问题是要分辨学生是否是论文的真正作者。不过,据简•莫里森助教解释,对于眼光敏锐的老师来说,这件事也许不太难。 “如果文章是来自因特网,学生会不敢正眼看我,他们会表现出不安,只是低头看着自己的双脚。而如果论文是自己一字一句写出来的,这样的学生能就自己的文章侃侃而谈,而且敢正视我。”莫里森说。 抄袭学期论文并不是什么新鲜事,多年来人们一直在用盗来的知识财富做交易。但是因特网的出现提出了这样一个问题。