


Collegiate Care

Genius Papers


Simply hand over $29.75, and the essay is yours. For those who find this too great an expense, there is an alternative. Collegiate Care, with its "highest quality papers at the lowest possible prices", offers on-file papers for $5.95 per page. So, a few pages may just do the trick for the cost-conscious students. Genius Papers, another student assistance site, offers "high-quality" and "low-priced" term papers. "You will be happy and successful," the website promises potential consumers.
只要交上29.75美元,文章就归你了。 对于那些觉得这还太贵的人来说,可以另觅他法。“大学关心网”以每页5.95美元的价格出售收录在档的现成论文,且“论文质优价低”。这样,对于那些在乎价格的学生来说,买上几页就可大功告成了。 “论文精粹”是另一个学生援助网站,它提供“优质” 而“价廉”的学期论文。“让您称心、保您成功”,这是该网站向潜在客户夸下的海口。