


Collegiate Care Research Assistance


For generations of students, writing term papers has been a major source of nerves and frustration, if not the ultimate homework nightmare. But for those with Internet access, illicit resources are just a few links away. The contemporary student who wants to fake a term paper does not have to search far. All one has to do is to go to the appropriate website, where online papers can either be purchased, ordered, or downloaded for free. Collegiate Care Research Assistance, for instance, may do the job. Do you want to "write" a paper on "Hamlet's irreconcilable moral dilemmas"?
对一代又一代的学生来说,写学期论文即使不是最可怕的作业,也至少一直是让他们头疼和沮丧的主要原因。但是对于那些可以上网的人来说,借助几次链接就可以窃取到相关的资料。 当代学生若想抄袭学期论文,用不着费劲去查找。他只要找对网址,就可以在那儿购买、预定或免费下载网上的论文。 例如在“大学关心网助研中心”就能办到。你想“写”一篇关于“哈姆雷特所面临的不可调和的道德困境”的论文吗?