



"three b's"


As he began to fall asleep, Dali would drop the spoon onto a plate on the floor. Shocked by the sound, he would awaken and immediately sketch the images seen in his mind in that fertile world of semi-sleep. Everyone experiences this strange state and can take advantage of it. Try Dali's trick, or just allow yourself to daydream. Often, the "three b's" - bed, bath and bus - are productive. Anywhere you can be with your thoughts undisturbed, you'll find ideas emerge freely. Seek challenges. Try inviting friends and business associates from different areas of your life to a party.
当他要入睡时,勺子就会掉到地板上的盘子里。响声会将他惊醒,他便立刻把在那个似睡非睡时的丰富世界里脑海中所浮现出来的众多形象绘成草图。 人人都会经历这种奇特的状态,并可以加以利用。不妨试一试达利的方法或者干脆让自己随心所欲地遐想。身处“三地”——床、浴室和公共汽车——常常会使你产生奇思妙想。只要你的思维不受干扰,你就会才思如泉涌。 寻找挑战。试一试邀请你生活中不同领域的朋友和商业伙伴来参加晚会。