
十年来的研究使我确信, 我们都能变得那样聪明。普通人与爱迪生、毕加索或者莎士比亚之间的差别不在于是否有创造力。。。





My guests had arrived, but once again, I'd forgotten to put the wine in the fridge. "Don't worry," a friend said, "I can chill it for you right away. " Five minutes later she emerged from the kitchen with the wine perfectly cooled. Asked to reveal her secret, she said, "I poured it in a plastic bag and dipped it in ice water." My guests applauded. "How wonderful if we could all be that clever," one remarked. A decade of enquiry has convinced me we can. What separates the average person from Edison, Picasso or even Shakespeare isn't creative capacity.
客人已经到了, 但我又一次忘了把葡萄酒放进冰箱里。“别担心,” 一位朋友说,“我马上就能替你把酒冰好。” 五分钟后,她拿着完全冰镇好的葡萄酒从厨房走出来。当被问到有什么秘诀时,她说:“我把葡萄酒倒进塑料袋里,再把袋子浸入冰水中。” 客人们鼓掌喝彩。其中一个说,“要是我们大家都能这么聪明, 该多好啊! ” 十年来的研究使我确信, 我们都能变得那样聪明。普通人与爱迪生、毕加索或者莎士比亚之间的差别不在于是否有创造力。