概述: 下面的建议摘自于一篇题为“弥合代沟”的文章,也许对弥合代沟有所帮助。 Hints: "Bridging the Generation Gap"
Here are some tips from an article entitled "Bridging the Generation Gap" that might help. Show respect. An attitude of respect and trust can be contagious. Young people tend to see themselves the way their parents see them. In turn, they gain self-confidence and respect for themselves when you show that you respect their ability to make decisions and learn from their mistakes. Listen more than you talk. Questioning can sound like interrogation. Instead, adopt an attitude of curiosity rather than control. Ask questions like "How so?" "What do you think now?" "Were you surprised?" "What will you do now?" "What's your plan?" "Is this something you want help with?"
下面的建议摘自于一篇题为“弥合代沟”的文章,也许对弥合代沟有所帮助。 尊重他人。尊重与信任是能感染人的。年轻人往往以父母看待他们的方式看待自己。反过来,当你表示你尊重他们有能力决策和从错误中学习时,他们会因此而获得自信和自尊。 多听少说。询问听起来可能像审问,不要这样。应该抱有好奇的态度而不是控制之心。问些这样的问题:“怎么会这样?你现在怎么看?当时吃惊吗?现在打算怎么做?你有什么计划?这事你是不是需要帮助?”