概述: 可能是因为那讨厌的音乐每天早上把我吵醒。。。 Hints: Jane Steve
It's probably that awful music that wakes me up every morning. I don't think I'm old-fashioned, but hearing those tuneless, offensive lyrics repeatedly makes my blood boil." "You know, honey, different music appeals to different generations," reasoned Jane. "Remember some of the music we listened to?" Steve smiled. "You're right. Maybe eating breakfast will help me get rid of some of the knots in my stomach." "Did you notice how much makeup our fifteen-year-old daughter was wearing this morning? I can't believe I didn't notice. I suppose we should feel lucky because makeup is our biggest problem with her. I've seen other teenagers walking around town with tattoos and piercings all over their bodies." "What worries me," said Steve, "is that music could have a negative influence on Sandy. I don't know what's happening to our little girl.
可能是因为那讨厌的音乐每天早上把我吵醒。我想我还不至于老得落伍吧,可没完没了地听那毫无韵律、令人讨厌的歌曲实在让我生气。” “你知道,亲爱的,不同年龄的人喜欢不同的音乐,” 简劝说道。“还记得我们听过的一些音乐吗?” 史蒂夫笑了,“你说得有道理。也许吃点早饭能让我感觉好一点。” “你注意到了吗,今天早晨我们15岁的女儿都化了什么样的妆?我真不敢相信自己以前没有注意到。我想我们应该感到幸运,因为我们女儿的最大问题还只是化妆。我看到其他年轻人在镇上游手好闲,还文身,浑身穿了许多洞。” “令我担心的是,”史蒂夫说,“那种音乐对桑迪可能有负面的影响。我不知道我们的女儿到底怎么回事。