• [英语听力] 少年勤于锻炼,老年脑力保健康(2/2)

    少年时期体育锻炼有利于晚年脑力健康 Hints: Laura Middleton Rhode Island Judith Owens Hasbro Children's Hospital Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 校稿 龙猫08 翻译 olivertt 组长 莜珍 Wo...

    2010-07-13 00:00
  • [英语听力] 少年勤于锻炼,老年脑力保健康(1/2)

    晚年的认知力与年少的体育锻炼有关 Hints: Laura Middleton Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Canada Skype Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 校稿 李奇亮 翻译 lisa1128 组长 lisa1128How...

    2010-07-12 00:00
  • [职场&商务英语] 几个小动作帮你减轻职场压力(双语组图)


    2010-02-22 16:36
  • [英语听力] 骑自行车减肥 (2)

    该研究发现,只有2%的儿童骑车或步行上学,与40年前60%相比下降很多。 PopkinWhile the statistics are not encouraging, Popkin offers a solution. "We need to realize that being physically active has b...

    2008-12-01 00:00
  • [英语听力] 骑自行车减肥 (1)

    “以车代步”已经成为了现代生活的一部分,那么我们来看看汽车在全球使用对我们的健康和生活方式带来的重大影响。 Barry Popkin,Gary GardnerThe use of automobiles worldwide is on the rise. This has had a...

    2008-11-30 00:00
  • [英语听力] 大学里的运动员(1)

    一位听众问到美国大学运动员的问题...One of our listeners has a question about college athletes in the United States. Amni Garcia in Mexico would like to know how much they study. Well, we suppose ...

    2007-12-25 00:00