• [英语听力] 啤酒对大脑的影响

    该文章是关于啤酒对大脑影响的研究。Under normal circumstances, each of your brain cells allows various substances, such as sodium, calcium and potassium to permeate its outer cell membrane. Onc...

    2011-01-20 19:49
  • [英语听力] 为什么会有男人和女人?

    这是关于人类性别的文章。Why are there males and females? Why are there two sexes instead of three, or twelve, or one? On todays’s Moment of Science we'll learn why two is the magic number. L...

    2011-01-20 19:44
  • [英语听力] 嘴唇为什么会干?

    冬天嘴唇干裂是很多人烦恼的问题,嘴唇为什么会干裂呢?听听了科学解释吧。Why lips go dry. Let’s start by reviewing the ways in which the surface of our lips is different from the surface of the ...

    2011-01-20 19:39
  • [英语听力] 无聊能害死人吗?

    “无聊死了!”这是我们常说的一句话,无聊真的会死吗?还真有科学家对此作了研究。We’ve all been bored from time to time. Sometimes, when we’re really at loose ends, we might even say we’re “bore...

    2011-01-20 19:23
  • [英语听力] 星际中的尘埃

    该音频主要讲述星际中的尘埃,包括它们的来源等问题。When we think of outer space, we probably imagine--well--space: Vast empty regions with no air, no matter, no anything at all. Actually, where ou...

    2011-01-20 19:12
  • [英语听力] 下雪打雷?

    我们都知道夏天经常会有雷雨天气,那冬天下雪会打雷吗?一起来听听科学解释吧。It's a common enough sound in summer, after the wind finally picks up on a hot and humid afternoon, as the rain starts sp...

    2011-01-20 19:08
  • [英语听力] 严禁模仿!

    本听力主要讲的是平抛运动,难点单词不多,语速较快。理解大意后听写会事半功倍。Don’t Try This at Home! Here’s a hypothetical scenario that is to remain hypothetical. In other words, don’t do t...

    2011-01-20 18:21
  • [英语听力] 保护牙齿

    牙痛是继续忍受还是提前做好防护?爱护牙齿,每天的必修课。M:Sorry,I'm late.I was brushing my teeth. W:Brushing your teeth?Right before 'A Moment Of Science'? Why? M:I'm trying to get rid of a cavi...

    2011-01-20 18:15
  • [英语听力] 外来物种入侵

    伴随着人们的经济活动和国际交往,一些物种由原生存地借助于人为作用或其他途径移居到另一个新的生存环境并在新的栖息地繁殖并建立稳定种群,这些物种被称为外来物种。They might seem innocent and lovely in ...

    2011-01-20 16:33
  • [英语听力] 夏天的风

    风是大家最熟悉的自然现象,要了解风的形成必须了解包围着地球的大气的运动。Why is it always (1)breezy at the beach? Find out on this Moment of Science. I bet that the last time you went to the be...

    2011-01-20 16:30