• [英语阅读] 月球上的美国国旗六缺一:是谁拿走了那面国旗?


    2012-07-31 18:24
  • [英语词汇] 航天用英文怎么说


    2012-06-29 20:42
  • [英语词汇] 跟“神九”学英语词汇:太空经济


    2012-06-20 09:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:地球的兄弟Kepler 22b

    Hints:Kepler 22bNASA's orbiting Kepler telescope has discovered its first planet in the habitable zone of another star. By "habitable," astronomers mean that a planet could harbor temperatures c...

    2012-01-27 00:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:亿万富翁聚焦航天

    :本文有一处连字符 , 有说话内容 哦 ~Hints:Richard BransonJeff Bezos and Elon MuskMicrosoftPaul AllenStratolaunch Systems Burt RutanSpaceShipOneRichard Branson has one. So do Jeff Bezos and Elon...

    2012-01-16 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:发展中国家也加入了卫星大战

    Developing countries don’t have the same ____1____ satellite information as do first-world nations. A given country might want to monitor dust storms, measure rice yields or track population mig

    2011-09-12 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:发展中国家也加入了卫星大战

    Developing countries don’t have the same ____1____ satellite information as do first-world nations. A given country might want to monitor dust storms, measure rice yields or track population mig...

    2011-09-12 10:00
  • [英语阅读] 【做客纽约客】亚特兰蒂斯号的最后一程


    2011-07-22 11:54
  • [英语听力] 航天飞机升空激起画家灵感(2/2)

    Hints: Bach Atlantis 校稿 Season111 翻译 wanshu819 组长 李奇亮But Bach is a painter, a man well versed in images and details, and he describes the seconds after Atlantis disappeared above the ...

    2011-07-12 22:30
  • [英语听力] 航天飞机升空激起画家灵感(1/2)

    Hints: Stephen Bach Orlando Florida Kennedy Space Center Atlantis the Cape 校稿 雨尽无言 翻译 wintervest 组长 莜珍It is an almost impossible experience to describe. Upon liftoff,

    2011-07-11 22:30