• [英语听力] 快速了解商业经营方式 (2/2)

    概述: 商业的几种组织形式之一,公司与股票的关系 Hints: None 校对:Season111 翻译:小章丶Cat 组长:wintervest 答疑:Season111Corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetime. A corpo...

    2011-09-27 22:00
  • [英语听力] 全球市场再次暴跌 (2)

    布什政府已经着手一项史无前例的项目:政府直接通过购买股票对银行进行投资。 Jennifer GranholmThe Bush administration has embarked on an unprecedented program of direct government investment in banks...

    2008-11-15 00:00
  • [英语听力] 全球市场再次暴跌 (1)

    美国国会上个月通过的耗资7000亿美元的救市计划发生改变,鲍尔森指出会重新考虑这些资金的用途。Last month, the U.S. Congress approved a $700,000,000,000 rescue package to save financial firms hit hard...

    2008-11-14 00:00
  • [英语听力] 周四,动荡的交易市场中美国股票暴跌 (2)

    纽约股市连续七天下跌,发达七国聚首商讨对策;美国财政部长特别筹划,召集20国财政要人周六与会。Hints: Robert Zoellick Henry Paulson It was the 7th consecutive daily loss on the New York Stock Exchan...

    2008-10-13 00:00
  • [英语听力] 周四,动荡的交易市场中美国股票暴跌 (1)

    动荡的交易市场引发美国股票暴跌; 政府干预资金迟些出台招致市场不满Hints: David Gertz High Mark Funds Scott Nations the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Bloomberg TelevisionMost of the selling came i...

    2008-10-12 00:00
  • [英语听力] 密切关注股票“卖空”(1)

    美国证券交易委员会近日采取行动以维持19家主要金融公司的股价。该机构发布了一项紧急措施以限制对这些股票进行所谓的“无卷买卖”。“无卷买卖”是导致一些金融股价格暴跌的原因。The Securities and Exchange...

    2008-07-30 00:00
  • [未分类小类] 如何选择股票(双语)

    When technical analysis is mentioned, people often think of analysts plotting price movements of stocks, drawing lines to find trends, support or resis...

    2008-07-09 23:11