• [翻译考试] 英语口译培训经验分享:数字的翻译

    (1)等值翻译 a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟 ithin a stone's thro 一步之遥 kill to birds ith one stone 一箭双雕 (2)不等值翻译 at sixes and seens 乱七八糟 on second thoughts 再三考虑 by

    2018-05-01 19:06
  • [英语阅读] “羊年”怎么译?选择综合症哭了!

    据说“龙年”这个单词被翻译成the year of the dragon后,翻译界还引发了不小的争论,原因是dragon在西方文化里是一种喷火的恶魔。不过这一次焦点转移到了“羊年”上。呵,如果说he/she让中国人在说英语的时候

    2015-02-15 14:58
  • [英语阅读] 如果有来生 Living Life Over

    If I had my life to lie oer...I ould hae talked less and listened more. I ould hae inited friends oer to dinner een if the carpet as strained and the sofa faded. I ould hae taken the time to

    2006-09-27 20:00