• [英语听力] CNN news:奥巴马发言

    hints: Congress Republican President 【听写回顾】简讯三则»We passed our budget bulk in this room. I airland our priority where's the president's, where's the president's plan and once you can...

    2011-07-18 10:08
  • [英语听力] CNN news:简讯三则

    1、公交车轮胎飞出 险些造成重大事故 2、51岁演员迎娶16岁少女 3、杰西卡辛普森前夫迎娶新欢 hints: Queens New York MTA Doug Anthony Hutchinson Courtney Alexis Stodden The Green Mile Lost Nick Lache...

    2011-07-16 16:06
  • [英语听力] CNN news:法律对新闻工作约束

    hints: United States America News of the World 【听写回顾】杀女母被判无罪引起公愤»I'm happy to consider all options, all alternatives that they're looking at. The things that I will not cons...

    2011-07-15 10:57
  • [英语听力] CNN news:杀女母被判无罪引起公愤

    450)this.width=450" hints: Casey Anthony David Mattingly Orlando Kyra FloridaCasey Anthony is officially not guilty of her daughter's death but public opinion, of course, is another thing. And a...

    2011-07-14 10:01
  • [英语听力] CNN news:杀女母亲被判无罪

    hints: Casey Marie Anthony CayleeCasey Marie Anthony, a jury of your peers have found you not guilty as to the charge contained in count one of the indictment, murder in the first degree. At th...

    2011-07-13 13:12
  • [英语听力] CNN news:杀女母亲被判无罪

    450)this.width=450" hints: Casey Marie Anthony CayleeCasey Marie Anthony, a jury of your peers have found you not guilty as to the charge contained in count one of the indictment, murder in

    2011-07-13 13:12
  • [英语听力] CNN news:飓风来袭和简化营养标准

    450)this.width=450" hints: Massachusetts Springfield My PlateFirst up, we're looking at some of today's headlines, starting with tornadoes in Massachusetts. Several twisters hit the state on Wed...

    2011-07-11 14:30
  • [英语听力] CNN news:美国庆祝独立日

    450)this.width=450" hints: Bob Independence Day Mr. President Senate Nicolas Sarkozy BraxWhat you see is a man that I've come to know and respect a humble American patriot, a man of common sense...

    2011-07-10 09:54
  • [英语听力] CNN news:阿富汗对撤军计划表示欢迎

    450)this.width=450" hints: President Obama Afghan Afghanistan LytroThe announcement that was made last night by President Obama is welcomed by the Afghan people. The number of troops that he has...

    2011-07-02 09:29
  • [英语听力] CNN news:简讯三则

    hints: John Huntsman President of the United StatesI want to apologize to my friends and my family and my fans and everyone in every community who are offended with this. I didn't know. I didn'...

    2011-07-01 12:44