• [英语听力] 科学60秒:彼之砒霜 吾之蜜糖

    只写5个空即可,最后一个空和第一个空的词一样,不用单写出来。 Life on Earth requires six basic ingredients—carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus. Those six elements are the ___...

    2011-06-20 10:00
  • [英语听力] 发现可以给手机充电的细菌

    Rhodoferax Ferrireducens 标题不用听写A microbe called Rhodoferax Ferrireducens,found in the mud at Oyster Bay,Virginia,has been discovered to transfer electrons directly onto an electrode as i...

    2011-03-10 18:16
  • [英语听力] 发现可以给手机充电的细菌

    Rhodoferax Ferrireducens 标题不用听写A microbe called Rhodoferax Ferrireducens,found in the mud at Oyster Bay,Virginia,has been discovered to transfer electrons directly onto an electrode as

    2011-03-10 18:16
  • [英语阅读] NASA发现奇特地球细菌 拓展地外生命搜寻范围


    2010-12-03 10:38
  • [英语听力] 诺贝尔医学奖揭晓

    两位法国科学家--- 弗朗索瓦丝·巴尔-西诺西和吕克·蒙塔尼和一位德国科学家分享今年的诺贝尔医学奖。 Hints: Francoise Barre-Sinoussi Luc Montagnier Harald zur Hausen Cambodia Alice Dautry Pasteur Inst...

    2008-10-08 00:00
  • [未分类小类] 当心!购物车扶手是最大细菌繁殖场

    Grocery shopping? Take your rubber gloves! The Korea Consumer Protection Board tested six items that are commonly handled by the public and ran tests ...

    2006-03-17 16:15