• [英语阅读] 健康过冬:五大贴士教你抵御冷空气

    Colder weather is setting in and with the change of seasons you might also notice more people coughing, sneezing and calling in sick. It's a harsh reality that these chilly months are stro...

    2015-11-26 11:20
  • [英语口语] 理智面对流感


    2015-08-27 06:00
  • [少儿英语] 小熊一家:流感【美音原版动画片学习笔记】

    Little Bear是非常好的幼儿故事动画。故事围绕小熊一家和他的一帮朋友展开,很多孩子日常生活的事情,轻松有趣、寓教于乐。动画咬字发音很清晰,适合有点英语听力基础的孩子观看。

    2012-07-20 08:45
  • [英语词汇] 流感的英文怎么说


    2012-07-02 17:29
  • [英语听力] NPR新闻:细节什么的就不告诉你~!(3/3)

    概括:because of the fear that the details of Flu experiments could provide a recipe for a bioweapon,A committee that advises the government says that details of experiments on bird flu virus s...

    2011-12-26 08:45
  • [英语听力] NPR新闻:细节什么的就不告诉你~!(2/3)

    概括:because of the fear that the details of Flu experiments could provide a recipe for a bioweapon,A committee that advises the government says that details of experiments on bird flu virus s...

    2011-12-25 08:45
  • [英语听力] NPR新闻:细节什么的就不告诉你~!(1/3)

    概括:because of the fear that the details of Flu experiments could provide a recipe for a bioweapon,A committee that advises the government says that details of experiments on bird flu virus s...

    2011-12-24 08:45
  • [未分类小类] 全球拉响猪流感警报 世卫组织发布3级警告

    More swine flu cases confirmed in US 双击或划选,即可查看单词的详细解释,并收录生词进生词本 The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak ...

    2009-04-27 23:24
  • [英语听力] 科学家在防治流感上取得新进展(1)

    预防流感的最好方法就是每年接种流感疫苗。但由于病毒会突变或变异,因此流感疫苗必须每年重新配方。Hints: oseltamivir Tamiflu H1N1 Alicia Fry Evidence is increasing that common influenza viruses are b...

    2009-03-10 00:00
  • [英语听力] 预防流行病(3)

    为预防可能发生的全国性流感,洛杉矶公共卫生部长提醒每个家庭都需要准备一个计划以防灾难发生,而社区组织应该安排好计划来辅助公共机构的工作。Church members volunteered their labor to create a hospital...

    2008-03-10 00:00