• [英语听力] 父亲节:无言的父爱 4

    父爱,伟岸如青山;圣洁如冰雪;温暖如娇阳;宽广如江海!Time really flies. I finished college and then left my home city. For the past ten years, whenever I've visited home, Dad was always there me...

    2011-06-19 17:00
  • [英语听力] 父亲节:无言的父爱 1

    父爱,伟岸如青山;圣洁如冰雪;温暖如娇阳;宽广如江海!Many years ago, a baby boy came into this world. But unfortunately, he didn't come with a cry, which was a big problem from the medical point...

    2011-06-19 17:00
  • [英语听力] 【英语美文欣赏】在思考中成长

    点击播放按钮收听音频: It seems to me a ery difficult thing to put into ords the beliefs e hold and hat they make you do in your life. I think I as fortunate because I gre up in a family here

    2009-11-14 11:04
  • [未分类小类] [E&S] Equinox sun rises east

    双击或划选(点我安装在线划词),即可查看单词的详细解释,并收录生词进 生词本 The Earth & Sky radio series began broadcasting in 1991, on a few do...

    2007-11-17 19:46
  • [未分类小类] 一年雅思经历,LAST6.5

    从2006。7月失败的高考到2007。6。9 我一年的雅思大战终于落下序幕,很多感受想与大家分享,同时深深的自我反思 3.3 TOTAL 6 L6 R6 W6 S5 6.9 TOTAL6。5 L8 R...

    2007-07-31 23:05