• [英语听力] 小故事:来电话了

    当妻子发现丈夫撒谎时会是个什么状况!!! Hints: Betty Sue JeezA guy is reading his paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head with a frying pan. He asks, "What w...

    2011-10-07 22:34
  • [英语听力] 小故事:来电话了

    当妻子发现丈夫撒谎时会是个什么状况!!! Hints: Betty Sue JeezA guy is reading his paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head with a frying pan. He asks, "Wha

    2011-10-07 22:34
  • [英语听力] 小故事:俄亥俄

    单词: 吹嘘 brag 俄亥俄 OhioI brag about my home state of Ohio whenever I have a chance. One day, I told a friend,, "You know, the first man in powered flight was from Ohio. The first...

    2011-10-05 19:18
  • [英语听力] 小故事:俄亥俄

    单词: 吹嘘 brag 俄亥俄 OhioI brag about my home state of Ohio whenever I have a chance. One day, I told a friend,, "You know, the first man in powered flight was from Ohio. The fir

    2011-10-05 19:18
  • [英语听力] 小故事:我也要

    说话不经过大脑。。。。囧样百出!We were discussing the "don'ts" of public speaking in the PR class I teach. "Don'ts" include a man reaching into his pant pocket and jangling change as he speaks, ...

    2011-10-03 22:02
  • [英语听力] 小故事:红灯了

    红灯停 ~ 绿灯行 ~My wife needed encouragement to keep pedaling the exercise bike in gym. I said, "Close your eyes and imagine you're riding along Broadway in New York City. It will be more intere...

    2011-10-02 19:30
  • [英语听力] 小故事:飞行员

    有时候人们认为的理所当然就是有那点——滑稽 PS:The Great Lakes 五大湖区 vessel 船 舰The Great Lakes Laboratory employed a licensed boat captain for its research vessel. It was common knowled...

    2011-10-01 19:30
  • [英语听力] 小故事:伤疤

    scar是吧是吧!!有木有想到Harry Potter!!! PS:在此向一直坚持俺们小故事的孩子们道个歉,前两天木有等到小故事,由于个人突发状况,让大家白等了!各位,灰常的抱歉!There's a scar on my face from a ...

    2011-09-30 20:00
  • [英语听力] 小故事:干脆不来了

    懒人的想法~(~ o ~)~zZ~~One morning a colleague said, "I need to leave early tomorrow. "That afternoon he followed up with, "Looks like I'll be coming in late tomorrow, but if my coming in late ...

    2011-09-26 20:55
  • [英语听力] 小故事:婆家的亲戚

    小夫妻吵架啊~则啧啧。。。A husband and wife drove for miles in silence after a terrible argument in which neither would budge. The husband pointed to a mule in a pasture. "Relative of yours?" he...

    2011-09-25 20:49