• [英语听力] Earth&Sky:有关痛苦 大脑和个人财务的决定

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,3-5个句子,不用写标号,注意标点~ Hint: neuroeconomics MRI "Economics is all about decision-making, and that includes financial decisions — but it also include...

    2011-09-25 06:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:足球运动员的"隐形杀手"

    On February 17 former Chicago Bears football player Dave Duerson killed himself with a gun shot to the chest. Doctors later found that Duerson had a condition in common with more than 20 other ...

    2011-09-06 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:摇啊摇,摇到美梦乡

    You’re lying in a hammock by a breezy shore. The hammock rocks softly . In no time…(snoring). It turns out that’s not just the relaxation of being on vacation that’s bringing on sleep. It’s ...

    2011-08-23 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:大脑绝食引发的后果

    Meatloaf, mac-and-cheese or mashed potatoes. We all have our comfort foods. Except for people with anorexia. Food makes them extremely uncomfortable. Perhaps because eating causes a change in br...

    2011-08-18 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:谁说人老不中用

    Sometimes people complain when trying to learn a new skill: “___1___.” But adult brains may be more pliable than we thought. Research has shown that adult brains can increase in gray matter ove...

    2011-08-03 10:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky: 找刺激兴奋大脑

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,4个单词/词组+1个句子,不用写标号~ Given the choice, would you rather go rock climbing, or stay home? A study says part of the decision may be hardwired in to yo...

    2011-07-18 06:30
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:大脑的<痛>

    听写填空,4个单词/词组+1个句子,不用写标号~ Gregory Berns: Economics is all about decision making. You're listening to neuroscientist Gregory Berns. He’s investigating how the human brain mak...

    2011-06-16 00:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:人类的大脑到底进化了多少?

    Modern human babies are essentially learning machines. After birth, their brains grow in ___1___, allowing infants to ___2___ for future social and cognitive achievement. But it wasn’t that way ...

    2011-06-11 13:25
  • [英语听力] 啤酒对大脑的影响

    该文章是关于啤酒对大脑影响的研究。Under normal circumstances, each of your brain cells allows various substances, such as sodium, calcium and potassium to permeate its outer cell membrane. Onc...

    2011-01-20 19:49
  • [英语阅读] 10大坏习惯会伤害大脑机能 你占到了几项?


    2010-11-20 14:08