• [英语听力] 美剧听写:女实习医生格蕾第一季第八集(13)

    Meredith结尾独白。 MVO: ____1____. MVO: It turns up when you don't really expect it. MVO: ____2____. MVO: The castle, well...it may not be a castle. MVO: ____3____. MVO: Just that it'...

    2011-08-26 10:01
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:现金付款更健康

    We humans can so easily give in to our . Something as simple as a credit card can weaken self-control. The good news is that the reverse is also true: cash can . So says a study in the Journal of...

    2011-08-26 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:诺贝尔奖得主教你写论文

    Oliver Smithies won the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 2007. On June 27th, he spoke to students about what he learned from his thesis research, which ___1___ developing a new method to ...

    2011-08-26 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:现金付款更健康

    We humans can so easily give in to our . Something as simple as a credit card can weaken self-control. The good news is that the reverse is also true: cash can . So says a study in the Journal of

    2011-08-26 10:00
  • [英语听力] 万物简史:PART I CH 3_17


    2011-08-26 07:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:纳米技术有助植物知识

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,3-5个句子,不用写标号,注意标点~ George Whitesides: Plants are what connect humankind to the sun and the ultimate source of energy. You're listening to Harvard ...

    2011-08-26 06:30
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:纳米技术有助植物知识

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,3-5个句子,不用写标号,注意标点~ George Whitesides: Plants are what connect humankind to the sun and the ultimate source of energy. You're listening to Harvard

    2011-08-26 06:30
  • [英语听力] 专八mini系列:第六期2/5

    mini还是全文听写模式,很多童鞋可能进来看到【专八】可能会有点胆怯,刚开始是会感觉到有点吃力哦,但这就是专八。希望大家可以耐心的认真听写O(∩_∩)O~Going to the gym has become an effective way to los...

    2011-08-25 20:30
  • [英语听力] 畅谈世界文化:33 玛雅文明 (1/2)

    资料来源:《英语畅谈世界文化》 每天一分钟,我们一起玩转世界文化玛雅文明对于2012世界末日的预言将这个古老神秘的没落文明重新推进了人们的视线中,无论预言真假,玛雅文明都是古代文明中最璀璨的一颗。 ...

    2011-08-25 11:10
  • [英语听力] 老爸老妈浪漫史:s01e16-1

    【美剧观看】点击在线观看老爸老妈浪漫史» Marshall准备去参加一个很重要的面试,但他的西裤破了许多洞,所以Barney决定第二天带Marshall去买一套很"便宜"的西装…… 听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,...

    2011-08-25 10:36