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  • Lady Gaga 正式 MV《Applause》

    沪江英乐:《Applause》(掌声)由Lady GaGa和DJ White Shadow共同撰写。收录于Lady Gaga第三张个人录音室专辑《ARTPOP》中,为首波主打单曲,已于2013年8月13日电台首发,同日在iTunes上架。如今正式MV发布,Lady Gaga延续她的怪诞本色,在MV中变换多种造型,甚至一度化身黑天鹅搞怪唱歌。 【Lady Gaga正式MV《Applause》】 歌词: I stand here waiting for you to bang the gong to crash the critic saying: is it right


    Applause Lady Gaga

  • Lady GaGa的新电影计划

    [en]Lady GaGa has announced that she is making a film.[/en][cn]Lady GaGa 宣布自己要拍电影了。[/cn] [en]The documentary-style project, as revealed by GaGa on Twitter, will be produced in partnership with her friend and [w]frequent[/w] collaborator Terry Richardson.[/en][cn]GaGa 在推特上透露,这部纪录片将由她的好友、合作无间的著名摄影师泰利·理查森(Terry Richardson)一手打造。[/cn] [en]"Merry Christmas little monsters!" GaGa wrote on Christmas Day. "Terry Richardson @Terry_World is making a #LadyGagaMOVIE documenting my life, the creation of [new album] ARTPOP + you!“[/en][cn]我的粉丝们,圣诞快乐!”GaGa在圣诞节当天写道。“泰利@Terry_World正在制作一部关于Lady GaGa的电影,记录我的生活、新专辑ARTPOP还有你们!”[/cn] [en]"Thank you for being so [w]patient[/w] waiting for my new album ARTPOP, I hope this gets u (sic) excited for things to come. I love you with all my heart!“[/en][cn]谢谢你们如此耐心地等待我的新专辑《ARTPOP》。希望这个消息能让你们开心。我全心全意爱着你们!”[/cn] [en]"I love you @Terry_World thank you for believing in me and my fans, I have looked up to you and your work for so long, it's a dream come true!"[/en][cn]“我爱你@Terry_World,谢谢你对我还有粉丝们抱有坚定的信念,我对你和你的作品期待已久,这Lady GaGa has announced that she is making a film.[/en][cn]Lady GaGa 宣布自己要拍电影了。[/cn] [en]The documentary-style project, as revealed by GaGa on Twitter, will be produced in partnership with her friend and [w]frequent[/w] collaborator Terry Richardson.[/en][cn]GaGa就像梦想成真!”[/cn] [en]Richardson and GaGa have previously collaborated on a book of photographs titled Lady GaGa x Terry Richardson.[/en][cn]理查森曾与GaGa合作,出版了写真集《Lady GaGa x Terry Richardson》。[/cn] [en]GaGa will make her major movie debut in Robert Rodriguez's Machete Kills.[/en][cn]GaGa将会在罗伯特·罗德里格斯(Robert Rodriguez)执导的电影《弯刀杀戮》(Machete Kills)中首登大荧幕。[/cn]


    Lady GaGa

  • Lady Gaga 献唱 TLC 新单 Posh Life

    沪江英乐:Lady Gaga 献唱 TLC 新单《Posh Life》样带首播!这首歌是 Gaga 和 Dallas Austin 为 TLC 创作的新单曲,由 Gaga 亲自献唱,其实 Lady Gaga 唱温柔的歌一样很好听啊。 【Lady Gaga献唱TLC新单《Posh Life》样带首播】 歌词: He went to them they turned away He just wanted something to eat A place to love a place to pray In God we trust and it's okay He said I'm Black


    Posh Life Lady Gaga TLC

  • 叫你们说我胖!Lady Gaga脱给你们看!

    就与饮食失调搏斗,同时向粉丝坦诚了自己的体重。[/cn] [en]In an open and personal response to recent attacks on her [w]fluctuating[/w] figure, Lady Gaga has posted pictures of herself wearing just a bra and underpants on her social networking site with a caption that reads: '[w]Bulimia[/w] and [w]anorexia[/w] since I was 15.'[/en][cn]面对外界对于她飘忽不定的体重的攻击,Lady Gaga在自己的社交网站上放Lady Gaga上了自己只穿内衣和内裤的照片以正视听,并写上:“从十五岁开始,我就同时被暴食症和厌食症折磨。”[/cn] [en]The 26-year-old pop superstar wrote: 'My boyfriend prefers me curvier. When I eat I am healthy and not so worried about my looks, I'm happy. Happier than I've ever been.[/en][cn]26岁的她还写道:“我的男友就是喜欢我丰满的身材,我觉得健康才是最重要的,我不会担心自己的身段,我自己活的开心就好。”[/cn]

  • Lady Gaga成名启示录

    Lady Gaga

  • Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett 新单

    沪江英乐:全才嘎 Lady Gaga 联手 Tony Bennett 精心演绎《I Can't Give You Anything But Love》。剪辑了嘎嘎与托尼在录音室里的画面,古朴的配器昭示最热烈的感情,不修边幅的嗓音奏出最诚挚的恋曲,我什么都没有,只能给你爱。 【Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett 新单《I Can't Give You Anything But Love》】 歌词: [Lady GaGa] I can't give you anything but love, baby That's the only thing I've plenty

  • Lady Gaga圣诞复古新单White Christmas

    沪江英乐:Lady Gaga为大家送圣诞礼物啦!一首情意浓浓的White Christmas。这段视频由Nick Knight与Ruth Hogben根据Gaga在“Monster Ball”巡演期间的未曝光视频剪辑而成,带着浓郁的复古气息。 【Lady Gaga圣诞复古新单——White Christmas】 歌词: I'm dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the one I used to know Where the tree tops [w]glisten[/w] and children listen To hear [w

  • Lady Gaga自家香水大卖 但被告知需快速减肥

    Lady Gaga has reportedly sold six million bottles of her 'Fame' perfume in a week. The 'Born This Way' singer took to her Twitter  to announce the news to her fans, making her perfume the second fastest-selling fragrance ever after Coco Chanel. 'Fame' was launched at a [w]bizarre[/w] live show at the Guggenheim Museum in New York on September 13. Gaga started off the [w]bash[/w] by clambering inside a giant perfume bottle and pretended to be asleep for two hours while fans were invited to touch the singer on the hand – but were asked to [w]refrain[/w] from disturbing her from her slumber. Once she had awaken, meanwhile, she preened herself in front of a mirror and crouched down – with the [w]consensus[/w] of fans in attendance being that she was urinating in a champagne bucket – before she had a tattoo applied to her head. Yoko Ono, Marc Jacobs, Paris Hilton, Michael Strahan, Jason Wu and Lindsay Lohan were among the stars in attendance. Meanwhile, the 'Bad Romance' singer has been told by her record label to lose weight. According to Radar Online, executives at Universal have asked her to "quit gorging on her favourite foods" after they had to order her new and better fitting costumes for the rest of her tour. After a radio interview earlier last week in which Gaga revealed that she had gained weight because she had been eating at the Italian restaurant owned by her father Joe Germanotta, a source close to the 'Poker Face' star said: "The tight, [w]skimpy[/w] outfits weren't doing anything for Gaga's new fuller figure, so Universal ordered more flattering and better fitting costumes for the rest of the tour." They added: "She loves to eat, but because of her tiny frame it shows if she doesn't work out as much as normal. Executives told her to quit gorging on her favourite foods." 沪江娱乐快讯: 9月22日星期六,Lady Gaga在Twitter上宣布,她的香水Fame在一周之内卖出了600万瓶,成为了继香奈儿之后卖地第二好的香水。但在香水销售量急速攀升的同时,她的体重也在暴涨。日前,Lady Gaga在荷兰阿姆斯特丹演唱会上大显“身材”,一下子发福14公斤的样子让观众大为吃惊。体重的暴涨对她的日常工作造成了严重的影响,目前她Lady Gaga已经被经纪公司勒令远离美食,快速减肥。此外,Lady Gaga计划于10月7日在英国伦敦著名的哈罗兹百货公司为她的香水做宣传。

  • Lady Gaga“黑雕”造型现身芬兰 又一次视觉震撼

    She’s worn some [w]bizarre[/w] [w=outfit]outfits[/w] in her time, so it wasn’t a shock for fans as Lady Gaga emerged from her hotel in Finland yesterday dressed as a giant bird.The [w]eccentric[/w] performer, who regularly sets tongues [w=wag]wagging[/w] with her [w]outlandish[/w] take on fashion, has stunned fans with outfits ranging from Kermit the Frog to a piece of meat. Wearing a long black dress, teamed with a black cape, Gaga stepped out onto the streets of Helsinki in true dramatic fashion, greeted by a sea of screaming fans.The Just Dance singer decided to cover her heavily made up face with a strange feathered head piece, her eyes barely visible beneath it.With what looked like real bird feathers covering her entire head, face and neck, she had the appearance of a large [w]crow[/w]. Gaga embraced her [w]Gothic[/w] look, complete with blood red lips, by staying stony faced and using her [w]trademark[/w] [w]growl[/w].Clearly in a theatrical mood, she certainly gave her fans a treat, drawing a number of excited [w=gasp]gasps[/w] from the crowd as she breezed past them.In the Finnish capital as part of her Born This Way tour, the star was clearly trying to grab as much attention as possible during her short stay, bringing a bit of her stage show to the streets of Helsinki.Later in the evening, the [w]extravagant[/w] star even went as far as to flash her bottom on stage, leading fans to draw comparisons with Madonna’s similar on-stage flash in Italy a few months ago. Whether or not the new Queen of Pop was having a dig at her [w]predecessor[/w] was up to the audience to decide, but she seemed to be having the last laugh.Gaga has blown Madonna out of the water with her tour reviews. While the 54-year-old performer was [w=slate]slated[/w] for her MDNA tour in July, Gaga has been receiving rave reviews for the Europe leg of her tour, which comes to the UK next week. 沪江娱乐快讯: 当地时间8月28日,Lady Gaga全黑羽毛头造型亮相芬兰赫尔辛基,看似一只“黑雕”,嘎嘎小姐又一次让她的歌迷雷了个外焦里嫩。 Lady Gaga在芬兰首都赫尔辛基进行“Born This Way”巡回演唱会。28日,她被拍到一身“鸟人”装扮走出酒店引得粉丝们的欢呼和尖叫。对于这位行为怪异的女歌手,大家好像已经习惯了她的各种怪异打扮,但是她这次的“鸟人”装扮还是让粉丝们感到诧异。当日,Lady Gaga身穿黑色长裙搭配黑色斗篷,她的整个头部、脸上还有脖子上都用羽毛覆盖得严严实实,看起来像是一只巨型乌鸦。她的这种哥特式风格的打扮搭配上鲜红色的唇膏以及面部冷酷的表情,让粉丝们着实吓了一跳。


    lady gaga 造型

  • Lady Gaga病愈复出 雷人造型继续引领时尚

    She's had purple, pink and green strands, now Lady Gaga is back to blond. Naturally, the singer went the extreme and opted for a [w]platinum[/w] hue. But the [w=bleach]bleached[/w] strands weren't the only big hair change. While out in West Hollywood, the star—who is currently recovering from hip surgery—also showed off a new cut. The slightly-longer-than-pixie length crop is a dramatic departure from her usual extensions-heavy look. Yet, only time will tell if the singer's new do is actually permanent or just one of her many wigs. Although it's safe to [w]assume[/w] she actually did take the plunge considering the bob is Hollywood's hottest cut right now. Other stars who have recently sported shorter crops are Jennifer Lawrence, Nikki Reed and Christina Hendricks. Do you like Lady Gaga's platinum pixie? 【沪江娱乐】 刚刚病愈的Lady Gaga不愧是百变“雷母”,一复出出行便以个性独特的造型再次独走时尚。21日,Lady Gaga在美国洛杉矶由朋友的护送下参加聚会。坐在迈凯轮里的Lady Gaga画着犀利的妆容,戴着大幅的睫毛闭着眼睛似乎在倾情唱歌。 而据外网消息称,Lady Gaga决Lady Gaga定在发表新专辑之前先和男友Taylor前往墨西哥度假胜地Cabo San Lucas度假,和自己的亲人度过闲暇时间。