In Achilles, tributes to Beckham's ability with a football are mixed with references to the classical myth in which the warrior is let down by his one weakness – his heel – while fighting at Troy.


"The most tragic image was him being unable to walk and crying on the side of the pitch."


"It's fascinating that the injury takes its name from Achilles ... The whole point of Greek myths is the combination of triumph and tragedy that we follow in them."


In the myth Achilles, the greatest of warriors, was dipped in the River Styx to make him invulnerable, but he was held by the ankle, making it the only chink in his armour.

在阿基里斯的传说中,这位伟大的战士出生时被母亲倒提脚跟,浸在神秘河中,因此全身刀枪不入,除了被他母亲握住的脚踝。(英语中的Achilles' heel因此有“致命伤。致命弱点”的含义)

下面就是诗人Carol Ann Duffy为小贝写的诗,诗中把小贝比作这位传奇英雄:


Myth's river – where his mother
dipped him, fished him, a
slippery golden boy flowed on,
his name on its lips.

Without him, it was prophesied,
they would not take Troy.

Women hid him, concealed him
in girls' sarongs; days of
sweetmeats, spices, silver songs ...

But when Odysseus came, with an
athlete's build, a sword and a shield,
he followed him to the battlefield,
the crowd's roar,

And it was sport, not war,
his charmed foot on the ball ...

But then his heel, his heel, his heel ..
