It’s all about image. Goodlooking bosses were found to be more competent, collaborative and better delegators than their less attractive counterparts, and most women believe they are judged in the work place on the basis of their looks.

形象仍然有决定权。据调查,相貌好的老板在同类人群中更有胜任能力、协作能力和说服力, 而且,大部分女性相信,她们在职场中被以貌取人。

About 58 percent of female bosses who were rated as attractive got high marks for competence, compared with 41 percent of“average-looking” female bosses and only 23 percent of unattractive supervisors. Among people with male bosses, 61 percent who rated their supervisors as good-looking also found them competent, compared with 41 percent for the average types and 25 percent for those ratedun attractive.

被评为有吸引力的女性老板中,有58% 在胜任能力上取得了高分,相比而言,相貌平平的女性老板只有41%的赞同率,而长相不起眼的高层女性只得到了23% 的支持率。在所调查的男性老板的职员中,有61%的人认为他们的老板长得帅而且胜任职位,另一方面,长相一般的老板得到了其41% 员工的认同,那些被认为长相欠佳的老板得到了25% 的认同率。
