Hints: Permafrost Russian NASA microorganism mammoth David Gilichinsky

The ground here is permafrost, a mixture of soil and ice frozen together. A group of Russian scientists have teamed up with NASA to drill down into it in search of microorganisms. It's work that's been done in Russia for years.
People found the microorganisms in permafrost in the end of 19th century. It was done especially in Russia when people found mammoths.
Back then it was the mammoths they were after. But David Gilichinsky's team have now drilled so deep that they've reached permafrost that was laid down millions of years ago. The frozen cores were taken back to their laboratory. Samples were taken from the centre of the core. Then they looked for signs of life. They discovered that bacteria can survive in the permafrost for far longer than anyone had thought possible. They found bacteria which may turn out to have been at minus 20 degrees for more than ten million years.
