
1、Write the body of your essay 写好你的正文


要避免一概而论的叙述,比如“______ is the most important problem facing the world today”。这样的句子可能会让持有不同观点的读者放弃阅读你的文章。比较好的写法是:“______ is a significant global problem”。

另外,不要过于强调自己,像“I think”是要避免的。还有你,我们,你们这样主观的词也最好不用。写文章需要客观性,摆好你的观点和事实来论述就可以了。

2、Come up with a compelling title and introduction 想出一个吸引人的标题和介绍


介绍要跳过这些表述:"This essay is about, "The topic of this essay is" or "I will now show that"。试着使用倒金字塔的模式,先大后小的写文章。短文的介绍应为3-5句话,而长文章不能超过1页。

Every year, thousands of unwanted and abused animals end up in municipal shelters. Being caged in shelters not only causes animals to suffer but also drains local government budgets. Towns and cities could prevent both animal abuse and government waste by requiring prospective pet owners to go through mandatory education before allowing them to obtain a pet. Although residents may initially resist the requirement, they will soon see that the benefits of mandatory pet owner education far outweigh the costs.

3、Conclude your essay 总结你的文章

一个漂亮的收尾会给你的文章加分不少。总结好的你的观点和建议。回答一些诸如此类的问题:"What are the implications of your thesis statement being true?" "What's the next step?" "What questions remain unanswered?"。

