1.《疯狂的心》男主角Jeff Bridges

《疯狂的心》男主角Jeff Bridges 杰夫·布里吉斯演绎一名过气的乡村歌手;个人第五次奥斯卡提名。
Jeff Bridges portrays Bad Blake, a washed-up country-western singer whose meeting with a young journalist may help him to turn his life around.
This is the fifth Academy Award nomination for Jeff Bridges. He was previously nominated for:
THE CONTENDER (2000) -- Nominee, Actor in a Supporting Role
STARMAN (1984) -- Nominee, Actor in a Leading Role
THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTFOOT (1974) -- Nominee, Actor in a Supporting Role
THE LAST PICTURE SHOW (1971) -- Nominee, Actor in a Supporting Role


2.《在云端》男主角George Clooney

《在云端》男主角George Clooney 帅气的乔治·克鲁尼演一位以帮人解雇员工为生、不要任何感情羁绊的男人;个人第五次奥斯卡提名,并且于05年赢得了最佳男配角。
As Ryan Bingham, George Clooney plays a man who makes his living firing people and who prides himself on the absence of emotional connections in his life.
This is the fifth Academy Award nomination for George Clooney. He was previously nominated for:
MICHAEL CLAYTON (2007) -- Nominee, Actor in a Leading Role
GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK. (2005) -- Nominee, Directing
GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK. (2005) -- Nominee, Writing (Original)
SYRIANA (2005) -- Winner, Actor in a Supporting Role


3.《单身男人》男主角Colin Firth

《单身男人》男主角Colin Firth “达西先生”科林·法瑞斯演绎一位上世纪60年代沉浸在爱人离世痛苦中的同性恋男子;这是他首次获得奥斯卡提名。
Colin Firth plays George, a gay man in the early 1960s who must hide his grief over the death of his lover.
This is the first Academy Award nomination for Colin Firth.


4.《成事在人》男主角Morgan Freeman

《成事在人》男主角Morgan Freeman 老戏骨摩根·弗里曼演绎了南非总统;这是他个人第五次获得奥斯卡提名,2004年他因为《百万美元宝贝》中的表现赢得了最佳男配角。
Morgan Freeman portrays Nelson Mandela, the South African president who seizes on the chances of the national rugby team in the World Cup as a means of uniting his troubled country.
This is the fifth Academy Award nomination for Morgan Freeman. He was previously nominated for:
MILLION DOLLAR BABY (2004) -- Winner, Actor in a Supporting Role
THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION (1994) -- Nominee, Actor in a Leading Role
DRIVING MISS DAISY (1989) -- Nominee, Actor in a Leading Role
STREET SMART (1987) -- Nominee, Actor in a Supporting Role


5.《拆弹部队》男主角Jeremy Renner

《拆弹部队》男主角Jeremy Renner 杰瑞米·瑞纳扮演的是一名冒着生命危险工作的拆弹专家;这是他个人第一次获得奥斯卡提名。
Jeremy Renner portrays Staff Sergeant William James, a bomb defuser in Iraq who thrives on the risk and danger of his job.
This is the first Academy Award nomination for Jeremy Renner.
