父与子:《成长的烦恼》心理医生 vs 捣蛋儿子


- You know dad, I try, I really try, but sometimes, almost without wanting, I just find myself doing something really stupid.
- Sort of an uncontrollable impulse huh?
- yeah!
- Or is it more like you think you're doing something really stupid, and then you weigh you chances of getting away with it and if they're better than ten percent, you go for it.
- Yeah!
- That's why you're grounded for two months.
- yeah.
- Well if it makes you feel any better, I did some pretty lamo things in my day.
- You?
- Yeah!
- like what?
- Well like I remember when I was sixteen, me and some buddies, we drove around town one night, mooning everybody. We even mooned the mayor's wife.
- You dad?
- Uhu. Yeah we got arrested for indecent exposure. Had to let us off though...mayor's wife refused to make an identification.
- You dad?
- Will you stop saying that!
- Does mom know about this?
- You kidding? How do you think we met?
- Alright dad! Hey dad you ever get the urge to do dumb stuff now?
- No. No, no I don't Mike. I think that's what being an adult is all about.
- Oh. Alright, good night dad.

Is it more like you think you're doing something really stupid, and then you weigh you chances of getting away with it and if they're better than ten percent, you go for it. If it makes you feel any better, I did some pretty lamo things in my day.


父与女:《老友记》唠叨老爸 vs 阴影女儿


- What that Rachel did to her life.... We ran into her parents at the club, they were not playing very well.
- I'm not gonna tell you what they spent on that wedding... but forty thousand dollars is a lot of money!
- Well, at least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar...
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Nothing! It's an expression.
- No it's not.
- Don't listen to your mother. You're independent, and you always have been! Even when you were a kid... and you were chubby, and you had no friends, you were just fine! And you would read alone in your room, and your puzzles... Look, there are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars, with his museum, and his papers getting published. Other people are satisfied with staying where they are- I'm telling you, these are the people who never get cancer...And I read about these women trying to have it all, and I thank God 'Our Little Harmonica' doesn't seem to have that problem.

Look, there are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars, with his museum, and his papers getting published. Other people are satisfied with staying where they are- I'm telling you, these are the people who never get cancer.


父与女:《识骨寻踪》摇滚明星 vs 感性女儿


- I warned the man,Angie.
- I told him if he hurt you,he would have me to contend with.
- Did you take off your glasses when you said it?
- I definitely did.
- It was a mutual breakup.
- Were you hurt?
- Dad...
- Could he have stopped it?
- Yeah. Yeah. But so could I.
- Well,his daddy can come down and kick your ass. I can't do everybody's job.
- I wish you wouldn't.
- Okay,Sweet Girl. I will ameliorate my vengeful intentions.
- Ameliorate?
- Honest?
- Honest.
- Honest as a Texas sundown.

His daddy can come down and kick your ass. I can't do everybody's job.

【小编短评】都说女儿是父亲前世的情人,如此这般不依不饶地维护自家宝贝女儿的利益,可女儿有错却又睁一只眼闭一只眼,父爱的逻辑真是叫人哭笑不得。也怨不得《识骨寻踪》可怜的Hodgins最终被弃德克萨斯荒漠,手臂上多了一Angie Forever的刺青。

父与子:《欢乐合唱团》妈妈男友 vs 莽撞少年


- What are you doing here? Did you already move in?
- No,your mom invited me. She thought you and I could have a man-to-man. Good,you know,'cause I got a lot to say about this.
- Well,I don't,so let me go first. You're pissed,I get it. Your dad is a hero, what he did in Desert Storm, but he's a hero to you. No way I can fill his shoes. It's just,you know... I love your mom. She's like this angel that,you know,came down to wake me up after all these years, and I swear to you I will never hurt her, I will always take care of her. And I can't be your dad, but I will be her hero for as long as she'll take me. All right,I've said my piece. What do you want to say?
- Just... want to know if
- you want to watch a game.
- Sure.

he's a hero to you. No way I can fill his shoes. It's just,you know... I love your mom. She's like this angel that,you know,came down to wake me up after all these years, and I swear to you I will never hurt her, I will always take care of her. And I can't be your dad, but I will be her hero for as long as she'll take me.


父与女:《绯闻女孩》妈妈老公 vs 问题少女


- Hi. You mind if i join you? 
- It's your home. Dan told you i was here?
- I was... Glad you felt like you could come here, that you felt like this was a safe place.
- I'm really sorry,rufus. I never meant for it to get this messed up. None of it was your fault.
- Well,i didn't help matters. I shouldn't have blown up at you the way that i did. So... Talk to me.
- Well,um... I called brown and deferred for a year.
- Okay.
- It may have been for the wrong reasons at the time, I-i think. Well,no,i-i know that it was the right decision. I would have just been going because my mom wanted me to go, And while that's a good reason, that's not good enough.
- You know, i did the same thing. Well,it was rutgers, not brown, But i got in and i realized that if i didn't pursue music,I'd never do it.
- I wish i had that same sense of purpose. But i hope that if i--if i take this time,that i'll find it. Gosh.
- How am i gonna tell my mom?
- Maybe i could help you figure that out.
- I know i'm not the first guy that your mom's brought into your life, but if you and eric will let me, I'd really like to be more to you than... than just lily's most recent husband. Let me help you with this.
- Wow. I,uh... I would really appreciate that, rufus.

I know i'm not the first guy that your mom's brought into your life, but if you and eric will let me, I'd really like to be more to you than... than just lily's most recent husband. Let me help you with this.


父与女:《实习医生格蕾》保护欲过剩父亲 vs 不省心女儿


Callie: I can't do this anymore. You'll, you know, see me in hell.

Mr.Torres: Listen to me, please. I have to catch you.

Callie: What?

Mr.Torres: Your whole life, you... you've always been on a bridge, Calliope, ever since you were a little girl. And you don't just walk on it either. No, you climb on the railing and you're-- you're ready to leap. And when you do, when that happens...I have to be there, I have to catch you.

Callie: You don't have to catch me,dad.

Mr.Torres: Yes, I do. It's my job, if this works out between you and Arizona... is there a chance that maybe you'd, uh...give your mother a wedding?

Callie: I think last night if Arizona wanted to spend the rest of her life with me? Yeah, I'll put on a big white dress and dance down the aisle.

Mr.Torres: How-- how about grandkids?

Callie: Yes, I would imagine...when the time came...there would be kids.

Mr.Torres: Does she make you happy?

Callie: Yes, dad. She makes me very happy. I love you. You know that?

Mr.Torres: She's not a vegetarian, is she? Because I-I don't know how much more I can take.

Callie: She's not a vegetarian.

Mr.Torres: I feel very old.


Mr.Torres: No, you don't, no. Because if you did..."your daughter's a grown woman"-- I mean, that-- that means nothing. She's my child. It's like blood running through your veins. You don't outgrow it, it never goes away--the love, the need to protect them from everything-- from everything--even from themselves. They grow up, they move out, they change, become people you don't even recognize, make decisions...I mean...and they think you don't love them because you don't understand, but it's the opposite. See, it's the opposite. You fight for them, always. You never surrender. When your child is on the line, you never surrender.


Arizona: I was raised to be a good man in a storm, raised to love my country, love my family and protect the things I love. When my father... Colonel Daniel Robbins of the United States Marine Corps, heard that I was a lesbian, he said he only had one question. I was prepared for "How fast can you get the hell out of my house?" But instead... it was... "Are you still who I raised you to be?" My father believes in country the way that you believe in God. And my father is not a man who bends,but he bent for me because I'm his daughter. I'm a good man in a storm.

我被教以风雨中要坚强,被教以爱国爱家庭,并且要保护我所爱的人。当我父亲-美国海军Daniel Robbins上校,得知我是同性恋 他只问了我一个问题。我以为他会说"你滚出去我的房子要用多久?"但实际上 他问的是"你还是我期望的女儿吗?"我的父亲崇信国家 就像你崇信上帝一样。他不是一个会屈服的人,但是他承认了我,是因为我是她女儿,我是风雨中坚强的后盾。



父与女:《罪案终结》光头严肃父亲 vs 大嘴别扭女儿+附赠毛脚24孝女婿


- Are we upsetting you?
- No.
- Do you want us to go?
- No, daddy. I am upset, but not at you. It's that stupid psychiatrist who won't let me go back to work, which probably thrills you to no end, 'cause you've been wanting me to quit being a police officer since the day I started.
- All we've ever wanted was for you to be happy.
- I am happy, daddy. What can't you just accept that?
- Look, honey...When you wanted to go to Georgetown, I said no, and you went anyway. When you wanted to go to work for the State Department, I said no. Well, you did it anyway. Then when you called and said you're going to work for the D.C.Police, your mama nearly had to sit on me to keep me from driving the van up there and kidnapping you. Over the years, I've tried to stand in your way several times, and you always ran right over me. Capiche? If you want to go back to work, you go back to work. I've always found it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Know what I mean?

- Well, Agent Howard of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, did it not occur to you to pick up a telephone and call and ask for my blessing?
- Well, I-I'm sorry, sir, but Brenda and I are both adults, and I love your daughter.
- Relax, son. I'm just messing with you.
- Come on. You do hug, don't you? I mean, you have a cat.
- That's not my cat.
- It is now, son. And you better make that cat very happy.


Over the years, I've tried to stand in your way several times, and you always ran right over me. Capiche? If you want to go back to work, you go back to work. I've always found it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.


