Hey Reader,It’s Dan here and today you’ll be hearing from Stu – our resident’natural 1’. To put it simply: Stu is AMAZING with women. Here’s Stu.


Hi There,Today, I’m going to be talking about the concept of VALUE. The fact is we ALL want to add value to our lives. Working hard for extra money; going to a sports game with friends; saving up to go on a holiday... Everything we do can be broken down to a point where we are striving to add value to our lives.Keeping that in mind, let’s move to the topic of meeting & dating women.


When the interaction with women begins, the expression of our true personality suddenly becomes restrained as we try to avoid offending her. We no longer behave like the person we truly are at our deepest core. We become passive and much of our natural masculinity goes out the window.


Stop for a moment... Imagine yourself being nervous during a JOB interview. You’re frightened of what to say and how to say it, so you pretty much agree or go along with everything that is being discussed in order to avoid ANY sort of controversy. The interviewer can FEEL your anxiety and can sense that you’re putting on an ‘agreeable persona.’


Now, while you still may be able to land some jobs being nervous and using a false persona, it is the WRONG approach to take with women. Especially beautiful women. By suppressing our real personality in an attempt to avoid ‘offending’ women, we fail to offer them any VALUE.

