■far 用作形容词,表示“遥远的”,通常不与具体数字连用。如:


误:The station is five miles far (away) from my home.

正:The station is five miles distant from my home.

正:The station is five miles away from my home.

析:far 通常不可以与数字连用,此时需用 distant。

■both 一般不与数词 two 连用,以免语义重复。如:


误:Both the two boys are clever.

正:Both the boys are clever.

正:The two boys are clever.

■clothes(衣服)虽然是一个没有单数形式的复数名词,但它却 不能与直接与数词连用。


误:She bought me two clothes.

正:She bought me two suits of clothes.

■goods(货物)是一个没有单数形式的复数名词,但是却不能直接用数词修饰,要表示“货物”的件数,通常借助 piece。如:


误:He found two goods had been stolen.

正:He found two pieces of goods had been stolen.

■troops 侧重指构成军队的士兵成员,但并不指个别士兵,因此它一般不与数字(尤其是较小的数字)连用。比如:“两个士兵”一般不说 two troops, 可说 two soldiers。不过 troops 有时可与较大的数词连用。如可说(from mE.CN):

a hundred troops 一百个士兵

Forty-four troops were killed. 44名士兵阵亡。