Are you by any chance pregnant? by any chance 有可能 perhaps; possiblyYou are so cheering me up right now.cheer up 使振奋,感到振奋 cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerfulYou didn't hand them out.hand out 分发出去Dr. Brennan doesn't make life choices without a Boolean flowchart. Boolean 布尔数学体系的不要问柒啥叫布尔数学体系,咱是数学盲。反正这句话的意思就是说Brennan不经过深思熟虑科学论证是不会草率做出人生重大抉择的。- I am Mr. White from the General Services Administration. - The people we order paper cups and pencils from? 美国联邦事务服务总局成立于1949年,作为一家独立机构负责简化政府资产的采购、使用和处置。简单来说就是后勤部门,果然就是如Cam所说负责采购纸杯 啦,铅笔什么的。The General Services Administration (GSA) is an independent agency of the United States government, established in 1949 to help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies. Take your pick. take your pick 任你选择Saw a flicker from you,pal. I got you pegged. flicker 扎眼peg 【俚语】猜中peg本意是钉钉子啥的,所以这句I got you pegged就是“被我猜中了吧。”Definitely water polo.water polo 水球Youch. Not even two-thirds normal size. Poor guy was in agony. youch 表达疼痛惊奇的象声词 An exclamation used to sympathize with someone who had just gone through something both painful and shockingFire in the hole.Fire in the hole 卧倒!小心手雷!这是美式英语中一个常用的警告语,用于警告同伴说“我要开火了,你留意咯”,这里Cam是提醒Brennan说自己要吼一嗓子了,让她事先有所准备,别被吓到。她那一嗓子真猛烈。- There's a reason I'm the boss when you're plainly the better FBI agent. - I'll note that. plainly 显然地note 记住了,比较商务的用语原来Booth当不了领导的原因就在于他的本职工作做得太好了……OTZYou know,I'll poke around for some answers. See if I can muddy the waters a little bit. poke around 旁敲侧击muddy the waters 混淆视听 to make a situation more confused and less easy to understand or deal with这边两个成语都蛮实用的,尤其是muddy the waters格外形象,不就是把水给弄混么?Give it your best shot.give best shot 尽全力they've been through some pretty hairy situations together. hairy 【俚语】棘手的 Fraught with difficulties; hazardous一看就知道hairy本意是毛茸茸的,当然这里也就引申为因为惊恐紧张情况而引发的毛骨悚然。Attaboy,Sweets. Attaboy. Attaboy 好样的好像之前有说过这个词的。
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【详细版】2009秋季档美剧播出时间一览表识骨寻踪第五季第12集 布丁里的证据播出时间:2010年1月21日怀特先生与其手下的政府官员把Jeffersonian研究所关了禁闭,...
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