For those in specialties that may be less robust, a good tactic is to lay the groundwork now so you're ready once the job market recovers. Dust off your resume and make sure it highlights your most recent skills, areas of responsibility and accomplishments. Update your professional profile on networking websites such as LinkedIn and Facebook; this information can serve as an informal resume for recruiters. And, last but not least, continue to expand your network of professional contacts.
对于那些在某些特别的冷门行业从业的人士来说,一个好方法就是打好基础,这样在就业市场复苏之后你也准备好了。拿出你搁置已久的简历重新编辑,并保证在简历中突出了你最近掌握的新技能、你工作的范畴以及你的成就。在LinkedIn以及 Facebook等社交网站上更新你的专业档案;这些信息可以作为一份非正式的招聘简历。也是非常重要的,继续扩大你的专业交际网。

"I've been out of work for six months. How can I jumpstart my search?"

First, make sure you're not limiting your search. In addition to online job boards, explore social media sites, such as Twitter, and specialized industry publications. Leverage your professional network as well. Tell everyone about your job search. You never know who might be able to provide a job lead or referral.

Also make sure to customize your resume and cover letter. Use information from the job posting to explain how you can meet a particular employer's needs by adjusting the content and focus areas of your application materials. And, perhaps most important, try to keep a positive attitude. The job hunt can be frustrating, but don't let that show when interacting with potential employers. Turn to friends, family and other contacts for inspiration and advice.

"I was offered a great job, but the pay is low. Is it appropriate to negotiate?"

You may be surprised to learn that the answer is yes. A majority of hiring managers polled by our firm said they'd negotiate higher compensation for qualified candidates. Keep in mind, however, that professionals with in-demand skills have the most leverage during salary negotiations.

Before countering a prospective employer's compensation offer, make sure you know your market value. Robert Half's annual Salary Guides provide information on starting salaries for several industries and markets. Also keep the big picture in mind: A generous benefits package, flexible scheduling options or tuition reimbursement opportunities may make up for a lower starting salary.
在你向一位潜在雇主提出薪资要求之前,务必要先了解你自己的市场价值。Robert Half的年度薪资指导给出了几种行业以及不同市场行情下的底薪信息。并且也要从大局着想:一份丰厚的福利套餐、灵活的工作制度或者学费退还机会等都可以作为低起薪的补偿。

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