如果你已七十,是想享清福呢,还是继续为事业打拼?这家餐厅特意雇佣老人是噱头,还是真的为老人再从业提供机会?仁者见仁,智者见智。但如果你去香港的茶餐厅, 想看到和内地一样年青貌美的服务员机会不大,他们的服务生好多都是中年大妈,大叔级别以上。可能对任何年龄的人来说,有份工作,就能得到社会的肯定。如果下次去香港,有机会光顾一下这家店吧。

On any given weekday, lunch time is show time at this Hong Kong restaurant. The word is out, Gingko House is no ordinary eating spot. Just take a look at the staff, the average age is 66.

From the waiters to the cashier, to the dishwasher, age is an asset. And try keeping up with70-year-old waiter k.k.Leung. Mr. Leung retired from a bank office job 12 years ago, he was restless and heard about the Gingko House recruiting elderly waiters, he was hired 3 months ago.

"I still have some energy. I can go back to the society. It's my pleasure."

Social workers started the Gingko restaurant 4 years ago. They wanted to show that seniors can still add value to the workplace. The customers agree.

" I think it's also a recognition that people, everybody wants a need, no matter the age, and if you have something that you can put your energy towards, which is, you know, something which is encouraging also to them.

" I'm 50 actually, so I just retired, and I'm thinking, you know, it's a good idea, you know, that people recruiting senior people. So maybe after a few years, when I still want to work, then I could still work"


The owners of Gingko House open 2 other restaurants that encourage retired folks to apply for a job. The restaurants say they don't discriminate against younger job applicants, it depends on the vacancy. The owners say they've hired younger people for IT and marketing, while giving priority to seniors for the wait staff positions.

Each waiter works 5-hour shift, at least 5 days a week. The restaurant says this a lighter schedule allow the elderly wait staff to do other things like go on doctor's visits or spend time with family.

What does Mr. Leung's wife and two grown children think about his return to the workforce?

"They support me, going out to earn again after my retirement. They're happy, too."

So are the customers who seem to keep these waiters busy.

