Simon Cowell, the brusque personality who has been behind TV blockbusters on several continents, plans to leave the Fox network's singing competition 'American Idol' after the current season, leaving a question mark over one of the biggest hits on American airwaves.
西蒙•考威尔(Simon Cowell)计划在当前一季的节目结束后离开福克斯电视台(Fox)的唱歌选秀节目《美国偶像》(American Idol)。直言不讳的考威尔在数个大陆的热门电视节目中扮演过重要角色,他的离去给美国最热门节目之一的《美国偶像》打上一个问号。

The 50-year-old Mr. Cowell said he was 'offered a lot of money' to remain a judge on 'American Idol,' which has been a mega-hit for the Fox network. But Mr. Cowell, who parlayed music-producing acumen into television celebrity, said he had decided to leave because 'The X Factor,' a new singing competition format that has taken off in Britain, is set to debut -- also on Fox -- in 2011.
今年50岁的考威尔说,为了让他继续担任《美国偶像》评委,节目制作方给他开出了丰厚的报酬。这个节目一直是福克斯电视台的王牌节目。但考威尔说,他已经决定离开这一节目,专注于一档新的唱歌选秀节目《某种因素》(The X Factor)。这个新节目翻版于英国的同名节目,美国版将于2011年在福克斯电视台首播。考威尔成功地从音乐制作人转型为电视名人。

Mr. Cowell will serve as executive producer and judge on the U.S. version of 'The X Factor,' the network said. Mr. Cowell hasn't been an executive producer for Idol and the additional title suggested he may reap bigger financial gains with 'The X Factor' if the show is a hit in the U.S., as it has been in other parts of the world.

Based on the British series 'Pop Idol,' 'American Idol' launched on Fox in 2002 and became the most popular series on television.
2002年,福克斯电视台推出了改编自英国电视节目《Pop Idol》的《美国偶像》,这一节目随后成为了美国最受欢迎的电视系列节目。

Fox, like The Wall Street Journal, is owned by News Corp.
福克斯电视台和《华尔街日报》都是新闻集团(News Corp.)旗下资产。

Fox didn't name a replacement for Mr. Cowell. Although his planned departure is months away, it is sure to cast a shadow over the show. While people tune in to watch its amateur singers -- both good and bad -- Mr. Cowell's verbal dressing-downs of contestants have been an important draw.

'American Idol' already has shaken up its roster of judges. The ninth season of 'American Idol,' which makes its debut on Tuesday, will be the first without Paula Abdul, who left after a dispute over her salary. Talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres will make her debut on the panel of judges this season.
《美国偶像》的评委阵营已经出现了变动。第九季的《美国偶像》将于周二首播,评委宝拉•阿巴杜(Paula Abdul)将缺席,她此前因薪酬方面的分歧宣布离开。脱口秀主持人艾伦•德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)将代替阿巴杜,首次担任《美国偶像》的评委。

Separately, News Corp.'s Fox News Channel said Monday it will add Sarah Palin, the former vice presidential candidate and governor of Alaska, as an on-air contributor. Ms. Palin will provide political analysis and commentary for Fox News, Fox Business Network, and specially produced political programming.
此外,新闻集团旗下的福克斯新闻频道(Fox News Channel)周一说,前副总统候选人、阿拉斯加州前州长佩林(Sarah Palin)将担任该台的客座评论员。佩林将为福克斯新闻、福克斯商业网络(Fox Business Network)以及特别制作的政治节目提供政治分析和评论。

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