Give Thanks, Get the Job

The Recruiter Roundtable is a monthly feature that collects career and job-seeking advice from a group of recruiting experts throughout the United States. The question we put before our panelthis month is:
"Recruiter Roundtable"每月的专题就是从全美的人力资源专家那里收集职业和求职建议。本月我们讨论的问题是:

How much do thank-you notes from candidates influence your hiring decisions?

Market Yourself Well 更好的包装你自己

Thank-you notes are a nice gesture, and I would always encourage candidates to follow up with one after an interview. However, as far as influencing a hiring decision, I have yet to see someone being extended an offer because of it. The strongest candidate will get the offer. Every little bit helps in marketing yourself as the best and most enthusiastic person for the role. If you do send a thank-you note, always check for spelling and grammar!

-- Bob Hancock, senior manager of global talent acquisition, Electronic Arts
Bob Hancoc,Electronic Arts公司的全球高级管理人才

No Question About It 一定没问题。

Sending a thank-you note is a must. When a job candidatesends me a thank-you note, it shows me the person is truly interested in the opportunity. This simple gesture can distinguishone applicant over another. In fact, when considering multiple people for an open position, I typically recall who has and hasn't sent a thank-you note.



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